Understanding Dental Implant And Diabetes Concerns

Posted on: 24 March 2017

If you have diabetes, then you may understand that there are some surgical risks that you will need to consider before you schedule a dental implant operation. These risks are specifically related to whether or not your implant will be successful. If you are concerned about success rates, then keep reading to learn about what types of things can cause implant issues and how you can manage them.

Infection Problems

If you have diabetes, then your immune system is likely not as strong as the average person's. High blood sugar levels are the cause of the immune deficiencies. Also, certain diabetes issues like reduced blood flow through the body as well as nerve damage can contribute to immune system problems and increased chances of bodily infections. 

These issues are not advantageous when it comes to dental implants. Since there is an abundance of bacteria in the mouth, infections are already a risk factor when it comes to placing a dental implant. 

If you want to reduce your infection risks, then speak to your implant specialist about long-term antibiotic use. Oral antibiotics can be provided before the surgery and after to minimize the number of bacteria that thrive in the mouth. The medication, along with special antibacterial rinses, can keep bacteria away from the surgical area. However, too much bacteria control in the mouth can lead to the overproduction of yeast cells. Make sure that you are not overdoing it when it comes to your rinse and also speak with your dental professional about the best time frame when it comes to antibiotic pills.

Bone Loss

If you have gone through some of your preliminary appointments to discuss your dental implant, then you may have learned about the way that the jaw bone will adhere to the implant root. This requires the slow formation of bone cells after your surgery. However, the bone can be destroyed if bacteria gather around the gums after the initial healing process is over. These bacteria feed off the sugar in your blood and cause the gums to slouch and become inflamed. 

While this issue is not immediately as serious as a full-blown infection, the bacteria will produce some chemical byproducts that eat through the bone tissue. New bone cells are most susceptible to this sort of damage, and this can leave your dental implant without a strong structure of bone around it. 

To keep this issue at bay, make sure your blood sugar levels are closely controlled. This means constant blood checks throughout the day. Also, brush and floss around the implant to keep it clean. However, try to use gentle pressure or the area may bleed, which can encourage more bacteria activity. 
