Eliminating Common Fears About Tooth Extraction With Real Facts
Posted on: 28 March 2017
Ask just about anyone you know and they will tell you that a bad tooth can be one of the most painful experiences ever. Even with a toothache being so painful, there are many people who will do everything they can to avoid getting a tooth extracted by the dentist. Most of the time, the reluctance to have a tooth pulled is relative to some basic fears. If you are dealing with a bad tooth that truly needs to be pulled, it's important to get those unwarranted fears out of the way first.
Fear: Having the tooth pulled will be extremely painful.
Truth: Having a tooth pulled should not be a painful experience. Before the dentist extracts the tooth, they will give you a shot of localized anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth. The most painful part of having a tooth pulled is usually only the shot itself, which is not that bad. During the extraction, you may feel pulling and pressure, but the nerves surrounding the tooth should be numb enough that you do not feel the tooth actually being pulled out.
Fear: Having a tooth pulled is hard on the rest of your teeth.
Truth: This is only the truth if you do not proceed with follow up dental care after having the tooth pulled or if your mouth does not heal properly after the extraction. In some cases, having one missing tooth can put more pressure on the remaining teeth when you chew. In these cases, the dentist may recommend you have an implant installed or even wear a partial denture. It is always important to closely follow the dentist's recommendations on aftercare once the tooth is pulled and the rest of your teeth should be just fine.
Fear: Having a tooth pulled can cause bruising to your face.
Truth: In most cases, there will be no bruising or trauma to the face during a tooth extraction. Facial bruising would only be an issue if the dentist had to use excessive force to pull the tooth because it is still firmly seated in place or in the back of the jaw line. In these situations, the dentist will usually refer you to an oral surgeon who can extract the tooth while you are under anesthesia. During dental surgery to remove a tooth, the soft tissue surrounding the tooth is cut open so the tooth is easier extracted.
If you still feel uncomfortable about getting a tooth pulled, talk to a dentist like those at Abbott Family Dentistry, LLC for more information about the procedure.