What To Do To Make Dental Implants Last

Posted on: 4 December 2019

Dental implants are screws that are placed in your jawbone and fuse with your natural bone. The screw gives a base for an artificial tooth to replace one that was lost due to an accident, disease, or damage with a crown. 

Implants are the strongest way to replace a missing tooth, and they function almost identically to a natural tooth. Dental implants are meant to be low maintenance and permanent. Crowns can last for up to 25 years, and the implant screw can last a lifetime if you take care of it properly.

Oral Hygiene

The most important factor in how long your implant will last is your oral hygiene. Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every time you eat or drink something other than water. For most people, brushing after every meal, snack, and beverage isn't possible or convenient. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. Make sure to clean all around your implant. 

Stay away from toothpastes that are very abrasive, such as ones that contain large amounts of baking soda, since these toothpastes can scratch or wear down your crown. Unwaxed floss is best for cleaning around dental implants.

Biting and Chewing

Your crown and implant might not last as long depending on how you use your teeth. If you chew or bite on hard foods and items, you likely won't get the full lifespan out of the implant screw and crown. If you have a habit of chewing on hard items, such as pens, try chewing gum or sucking on a piece of sugar-free hard candy to make it easier to avoid chewing.

When you eat very hard foods, try to chew on the opposite side of your mouth from the implant to avoid chips or cracks to the crown.

Implant Location

The location of your dental implant in your mouth can affect how long the crown and screw last. Implants at the back of the mouth usually undergo more pressure from chewing, so they may not last as long as implants near the front of your mouth.


Dental implants are typically very successful, but they can fail due to lifestyle habits in some cases. Smoking and drinking alcohol are two common habits that can lead to implant failure. If you smoke or drink regularly, ask your doctor for advice or help to quit so you can take care of your implant and your natural teeth.

Make time to see your dentist for an exam, cleaning, and X-rays at least twice a year. Your dentist will check your implant and the rest of your teeth to make sure they're staying healthy.
