How Using Activated Charcoal Can Whiten Your Teeth

Posted on: 24 March 2017

If you have noticed that your teeth are stained and discolored, you might be wondering what you can do about it. There are many things you can do to whiten your teeth, and one option is to try using activated charcoal for this purpose. This may seem somewhat gross, but it really isn't that bad, and it can offer effective results for teeth that are discolored. What is activated charcoal?
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3 Great Reasons To Get A Dental Crown

Posted on: 24 March 2017

There are so many amazing dental pieces and procedures out there than can help almost all of the dental issues that people have. One such dental item is a crown. A crown is essential what it name indicates, because it is a "crown" that goes over your natural tooth to improve the tooth in a variety of ways. This article is going to discuss 3 great reasons why you should get a dental crown.
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How To Remove Popcorn From Your Teeth

Posted on: 24 March 2017

If you get popcorn stuck in your teeth, it should be removed as soon as possible. Popcorn is a nutritious snack, but the kernels eventually irritate the gums and attract bacteria. The longer the popcorn stays lodged in the teeth, the more risk there is for an abscess. You don't always need to see a dentist when popcorn gets stuck in your teeth. Here are tips to remove popcorn from your teeth.
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Curious About Dental Crowns? Information You Should Know

Posted on: 24 March 2017

If you are curious about dental crowns, you may be surprised at everything they can do to help your teeth. For example, they can be used if you crack one of your teeth. Below is some more information about dental crowns. You will find this information even more helpful if your dentist ever recommends you have one. Dental Crowns Can Hide Flaws If you have any flaws in your teeth, such as a tooth that is misshapen or discolored, a dental crown can make the tooth look normal again.
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