
  • Tooth-Replacement Appliances That Don't Require Your Dentist To Alter Your Healthy Teeth

    If you have one or more missing teeth, there are several tooth-replacement devices that can be applied to restore them. However, some applications, such as fixed bridges, may involve permanent changes to other healthy teeth.  A conventional bridge becomes fixed in the mouth as the device attaches to the abutment teeth, which are the teeth that border the gap left by a lost tooth. The prosthetic replacement teeth of the bridge are bordered by crowns.
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  • Finding A Dentist That Works With Your Medicaid Insurance

    Dentists, like doctors, often have specific insurance companies that they will work with. The reasons behind the ones they choose vary, but when you need a dentist, you need to find one that can help you no matter what your coverage. In some states, Medicaid coverage is very good and the services that dentist provides are wonderful. In other areas, that may not be the case and it might be harder to find a Medicaid dentist to work with.
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  • Need To Schedule Emergency Dental Work? 3 Tips For Keeping Costs Low

    Needing dental work in a hurry could be due to the result of a recent injury or unexplained pain in your mouth. Whatever the reason may be for needing dental work, it's important that you don't rush into choosing the first clinic you find for the dental work needed. Since emergency dental work can be so expensive due to the last-minute nature of it, it's important for you to be patient and see exactly what you need to do to make sure the costs stay low.
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  • Avoiding Signficant Dental Issues With Your Child

    New parents will often be surprised at the range of dental problems that their child can experience. When attempting to address these basic health needs, parents will often make some well-intentioned mistakes that could lead to significant problems for their children. Appreciate That Dental Issues Can Arise Before Your Child's Teeth Develop It is often assumed that dental care only needs to be a concern once the child's teeth have developed.
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  • Top Benefits of Dental Bridges

    Many people have one or more missing teeth, and these people often look for restorative dental procedures that can help. There are several different options that people can pursue to replace a missing tooth, including dental bridges. A dental bridge consists of an appliance that is fixed in the mouth and includes a false tooth that is placed between two natural teeth. Most dentists, especially those who specialize in restorative procedures, can place a dental bridge in your mouth to replace a missing tooth.
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  • FAQ About General Dental Problems

    When certain body parts are in a bad condition, it can lead to numerous complications developing. For instance, teeth are a part of the body that people can take advantage of until something bad happens to them. The main thing that leads to teeth becoming negatively affected is neglecting to keep them clean, as they must be brushed on a regular basis. However, conditions can also arise that aren't related to the cleanliness of teeth, which is why examinations by a dentist are necessary every now and then.
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  • Does Flossing Have You Seeing Red? Here Are Some Things To Try

    When you spit into the sink after flossing your teeth, the last thing that you probably want to see is blood. Few people like seeing their own blood, and it's easy to start to worry about your dental health if you're frequently bleeding after you've flossed. You don't have to hit the panic button just yet. Instead, there are a number of simple things that you can try, and then assess the difference that they make during future flossing sessions.
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  • Down Syndrome And Dental Care

     If your child has down syndrome, then they will have some different dental needs and their teeth may not come in as they did with previous children. The information here is going to help you to know what to expect when it comes to your child's teeth when they have down syndrome. Expect delayed tooth eruption When your child has down syndrome, they aren't going to be on a regular tooth schedule with regards to when you can expect to see their first teeth appear, Usually, a child with down syndrome will has teeth that come in when they are around a year old.
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  • 3 Tips To Recover After Dental Implants

    Dental implants are a great way for patients to be able to smile and chew like normal. If you have had to have a tooth pulled, or if you recently lost a tooth, then you may be wondering what you can do to restore your smile. Luckily, with dental implants, you can get back your smile and your ability to chew. During this procedure, your dentist will place a dental implant into your gums.
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  • Three Healthy and Filling Soft Foods to Try After Your Wisdom Teeth Are Removed

    Having your wisdom teeth removed may seem scary, but it's actually a fairly routine surgery with few complications. As long as you follow your oral surgeon's aftercare instructions, the chances are good that you'll be just fine. However, the recommendation to stick to soft foods for some time after the surgery can be daunting for some people, especially if you want to maintain a healthy diet and feel full after you eat.
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